What we consume matters. But not just what comes in through our mouths! What we put into our bodies, through ALL of the senses, what we look at, listen to, feel, breathe, think about, and taste… ALL of these can be used to feed and heal us. We are bombarded day and night with images, smells, tastes, ideas… How robust is the nutrition you are getting from these things? Are the books you read, or the shows you watch on TV medicine for your mind or poison? What about the amount of time you spend scrolling on social media? What are you pumping in to your body during all of that time?
I once believed that “eat less, move more” was the only mantra I needed to be happy with this body. Well, spoiler alert; it wasn’t true. I move a lot, I have always considered myself active and engaged. And that “eat less” part was especially damaging to me, at least. I, like so many others, had constructed an entire catalogue of bad and good foods, memorized the calorie and nutritional content of most foods I encountered, and judged every day as bad or good based on my adherence to this INCREDIBLY FLAWED measurement and merit system. First, my performed was always based on the grading system that success meant I would achieve an “ideal body” whatever the fuck that meant at the time, because it was always changing! When I was young, I wanted big boobs, when I was a little older I wanted to be skinny, and older still, strong and flexible. All fleeting states, all meaningless in themselves. I was terrified that if I didn’t constantly worry and monitor, that I would fly completely out of control. Well I had that backwards, once I was able to reduce the chatter of worry in the mind, I was able to hear the wisdom of this body again.
Today, I aim every single day to listen to what this bodymind needs, be it healthy foods that I enjoy growing, gathering, preparing and eating, a little extra rest, vigorous or gentle movement, or a bowl of popcorn and Netflix. I am trying to make peace with the old inner voice that rates and ranks everything. I let it do its rating and ranking and reporting, but I don’t always have to follow the recommendations when they are driven by a need to change my body from anything other than what it is today. I trust myself now to make decisions based on love, not fear. I choose the media and shows and movies and news that I let in that support this objective. This is revolutionary.