Things have gotten busy around the homestead. We got a new puppy, completely unexpectedly. We went to a local, small town festival to enjoy the vibe, with some of our friends playing tunes along the creek, and there was a family pulling a wagon. Parents with about 4 kids, and the oldest girl, likely about 10 or so, was holding a puppy. Well… I was like “PUPPY!!!” and I walked right up to give him a little scratch and some love and the girl says “do you want one?” Husband and I looked at each other… and then at the puppy.
Next thing you know, we are stopping for puppy food and goat’s milk for a too-young-to-come-home puppy of undetermined breed. Although they showed us pictures of mom: a red hound, and [possibly] dad: a chihuahua. A Houhuahua, or so we think. Maybe. Maybe not. It has been a few weeks now and the pup is 10 weeks old and about 10 pounds or so. A crazy, adorable, biting, puddlemaking puppy.
So things got busy in an instant.
But I have never had the opportunity to be home full time to train a puppy, and I am having a really special time watching the whole pack make room for baby and to watch so closely while the puppy grows. The bigger dogs are teaching him boundaries, and the cats are teaching him what it means to be ignored. Except Billy Underfoot. He is the #1 babysitter. He jumps into the kitchen at night (we pen him in there during these potty training times) and keeps him company all night. I catch them playing together, and the best part is that they both are tuxedo colored. With Brodhi, I refer to them as “The Tuxedo Company”. Mooji (the puppy) is a little tiny version of Brodhi. My heart is a puddle all the time, just like the puppy pee all over the kitchen floor when we wake up in the morning.
But even as sweet as all that is, it was super nice to take a break for a little overnight inspiration trip to Asheville. I stayed with a gal pal who lives there, and met up with some yogi friends at the Asheville yoga festival called Love Shine Play. Caught some kirtan with Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band, dancing and singing myself to bliss, an early morning sit with a few dozen folks, got a few TRULY AMAZING classes in, one incredible vegetarian meal from Laughing Seed (my favorite restaurant in town) and some vendor shopping. Not too shabby for an overnight. I feel refreshed, clear, full of joy, and tingling with inspiration for my classes to come.
Self Care – the finest form of inspiration <3
Ok, back to potty training…