
About jacquie

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So far jacquie has created 25 blog entries.

Plant the seeds, manage the weeds…


This time of year I start my seeds for the garden. I have done some version of this almost every year of my adult life. When I was first in my own apartment, I tried versions of container gardens, and then when I was in my first home I planned elaborate floral displays and vegetable [...]

Plant the seeds, manage the weeds…2024-02-18T11:55:08-05:00

Love yourself WELL!


If you watch the advertisements & socials, it seems that no February can be complete without things like expensive jewelry, lavish dinners, decadent chocolates, or romantic getaways. If these things don’t happen to come your way, it can leave you with a sense of feeling left out, unloved, or even missing out on life. But [...]

Love yourself WELL!2024-02-11T11:20:42-05:00

New Beginnings…


Well, after years of dedicated self inquiry, contemplative practice, and sponsoring fellow travelers in 12 step recovery, I continue this beautiful, horrible journey yet deeper into the contemplative, helping, and service occupations. I have enrolled in graduate study. As my sister says: “God willing, and if the crick don’t rise…” I plan to get my [...]

New Beginnings…2023-10-01T14:45:30-04:00

Take the wheel…


Its becoming easier each day to settle into this ever changing version of me. its so authentic. As my hair whitens, and my body changes, and my perspective shifts, it feels so sweet to watch and live this transition from crone to elder. Its like a natural pull toward the divine. Life is teaching me [...]

Take the wheel…2023-02-20T08:36:13-05:00

This precious human birth…


There is this really groovy story the Buddha tells somewhere in the Pali canon (the writings of his disciples about his teachings) about a blind turtle. The Buddha was speaking to a group of his monks. He said, “Monks, suppose that this great earth were totally covered with water and a man were to toss [...]

This precious human birth…2023-01-01T12:52:07-05:00

namaste and merry everything!


Last night, I played some Christmas carols out with a friend to raise some money for the local women’s shelter. Well, really I just played some carols with a friend. The other part was a bonus. He brought me a santa hat and we ran through a fine list of the classics, and it was [...]

namaste and merry everything!2022-12-10T09:31:23-05:00

nothing is personal, perfect or permanent


Change is constant. Nothing, absolutely nothing, lasts forever. This is something I have really become familiar with in this life, and yet, every time something ends, I am struck – yet again! – with surprise and grief and wondering. How could I have made it last?  What failure on my part led to this end? [...]

nothing is personal, perfect or permanent2022-11-17T10:59:20-05:00

Guest House


This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.   A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.   Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He [...]

Guest House2022-10-20T10:57:49-04:00

Shine On & On & On & On…


Ahhhhh. Another Yoga Jam in the books! This year’s attendance was bigger than ever, we filled up our main car camping area and started filling up the secondary areas! Primitive campers were nestled in the fields and surrounding forests, and we sold out of our RV slots! Wonderful teachers, performers, healers, and artists of all [...]

Shine On & On & On & On…2022-09-09T10:28:40-04:00

Experience, Strength & Hope: the difference between anxiety & intuition


How do I know the difference between the difference between anxiety and intuition? A friend asked me this question, and I wrote so much I thought I would just post it here. These are my thoughts on the matter today! Well, immediately the first words that come to mind for Intuition are CALM and CLEAR [...]

Experience, Strength & Hope: the difference between anxiety & intuition2022-08-26T11:05:35-04:00
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