Yoga for Bigger Bodies!

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May Theme – Prepare for inner growth

We will learn and practice some gentle cleansing postures and practices, and use them throughout our gentle movement together to make way for the new growth that this season brings. There is no experience necessary except a willing heart <3

NEW! Longer class time for sharing & integration ! (6:15-7:30 pm Thursdays!)

With all of the socials sharing what seems like endless pictures of super flexible, super skinny bodies in nearly unattainable poses, showing up at a yoga class can be really intimidating. And if you are in a bigger body, it can feel downright impossible! I understand, and I am so grateful to ACY to be able to create and share a beautiful space for us to learn and practice together! I have spent a lifetime navigating the world in a bigger body. The biggest limitation I have ever encountered was from the battle that rages inside my own head, and one thing I can say with absolute confidence is that the benefits I continue to discover through my yoga practice are for EVERY body, no matter the size or ability. This class is intended to create a welcoming and fun space for bigger bodies to learn the basics of yoga together, from learning ways to modify fundamental poses with props such as straps, blocks and bolsters,  to really learning to use meditation and self inquiry practices to cultivate a deeper self awareness and compassion for ourselves. We will practice meeting and befriending our minds and our experiences RIGHT NOW. Not at some imaginary point in the future or a past that we have left behind. The Buddha said that “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Let’s cultivate that love together! If you have questions or would like to connect with the teacher, please email jacquie at

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