Intention can be defined as an aim, or a plan. I thought it was so interesting that in medicine intention is defined as the process by which a wound heals. At last google, Prayer was defined as a request for help or expression of thanks to God, or a power greater than oneself. I have heard that before, that all of our prayers can be reduced to two words: either HELP, or THANKS.

So this process of setting intention and prayer is already happening in our lives, we just want to be conscious of this process, and ensure that the intentions that we have set in our mind and hearts are going to lead us to healing and not more suffering. If we are praying, we use our energy to pray to a power that will actually help us, or that contains the fount of our gratitude.

So many times I have put my reverence and devotion into things that were so flimsy, mercurial, illusory, downright misinformed: a body “ideal”, a partner, a bank balance, some feeling of satisfaction. All of these were impermanent and imperfect. I have found that setting my intentions and prayers towards what the universe intends for my highest self – the me I want to be, has borne such juicy fruit. As it has been said “Not my will, but yours be done”. The 12 Steps include this at Step 3: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.” For me, God has hung the planets in the galaxy, repaired a gazillion broken bones and watched many civilizations perish. Who am I to insert my ideas of right and wrong into a plan that big? I can truly only ask for HELP or say THANKS.

I love to start my day with a nice long sit, closing my eyes when the sun is still below the horizon, and opening them to birdsong as the sky brightens. Once I tackle the morning’s homestead chores, I will go for a mindful walk with my dogs, and then settle in for a cup of tea with my current collection of inspiring books. I will enjoy some journaling as a form of prayer, gratitude, and intention setting for the day. And I listen deeply to see where the still, small voice within directs me next.