

Take the wheel…

Its becoming easier each day to settle into this ever changing version of me. its so authentic. As my hair whitens, and my body changes, and my perspective shifts, it feels so sweet to watch and live this transition from crone to elder. Its like a natural pull toward the divine. Life is teaching me to let go and I didn’t even have to do any program or buy any expensive products, lol. There are [...]

This precious human birth…

There is this really groovy story the Buddha tells somewhere in the Pali canon (the writings of his disciples about his teachings) about a blind turtle. The Buddha was speaking to a group of his monks. He said, “Monks, suppose that this great earth were totally covered with water and a man were to toss a yoke with a single hole into the water. A wind from the West would push it East; a wind [...]

namaste and merry everything!

Last night, I played some Christmas carols out with a friend to raise some money for the local women’s shelter. Well, really I just played some carols with a friend. The other part was a bonus. He brought me a santa hat and we ran through a fine list of the classics, and it was really something special. This year, I have so much loving spirit and gratitude and I just want to reflect that [...]

The percentage of things that will pass.

Connect to your wise heart. You have everything you need!

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