

Breath: Energy of Life

I don’t think I ever knew how to breathe. This sounds silly, perhaps, because clearly I am still here, but bear with me a moment… I lost the ability to trust my breath, and my body, somewhere in my past. Now, I can look back on it and place some intellectual assessment on it, say that because I was ruthlessly bullied for being “chunky” and bigger than all the other kids, I tried to hide [...]

Intention & Prayer

Intention can be defined as an aim, or a plan. I thought it was so interesting that in medicine intention is defined as the process by which a wound heals. At last google, Prayer was defined as a request for help or expression of thanks to God, or a power greater than oneself. I have heard that before, that all of our prayers can be reduced to two words: either HELP, or THANKS. So this [...]

My Origin Story

From early childhood sexual abuse, to the victim of soul crushing bullying throughout my public school years. I left an abusive, dysfunctional home when I was 13 to pursue my dreams of "happiness". I applied for financial aid, got my degrees in Computer Science, and thought the money and power that came from leading big projects in and around Washington DC would make me happy. Spoiler alert: It didn't. I simply spent the next 30+ [...]

The percentage of things that will pass.

Connect to your wise heart. You have everything you need!

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