welcoming & accessible
yoga practices
to connect breath,
body & mind
and love yourself well
Let yourselfbe lifted!CHECK OUT MY CALENDAR
Welcome, friend!2022-09-04T11:01:07-04:00

Floyd Yoga Jam !!!

This is SUCH AN EXCITING TIME OF YEAR for me! The countdown weeks until I arrive at the beautiful farmland near Floyd, Virginia and set up my little camper and greet, mix & mingle with a couple thousand friends for a weekend of ... simply EVERYTHING! I always am amazed at how transformational this short time can be for me and so many of the people I have met over the past 10 years of attending and working at this festival. All year I work with vendors, staff and volunteers to prepare, and throughout the event, I help to manage the Box Office, the golf cart shuttle operations, parking and security for the weekend. The crew of us that return year after year have become some of the most dear people in my life, and the volunteers, artists, and festival attendees  that I meet new each year become instant friends. We share something that draws us close - a desire to strip away what keeps us small and limited and afraid. It is beautiful to greet everyone as they arrive, and watch them realize they are once again, home. Some folks arrive harried, tired and frustrated from the drive, and all the arranging it can take to leave behind a very busy and very [...]

August 19th, 2022|
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