Prepare for Restful Sleep
I cannot tell you how many people I know that struggle with sleep. They tell me that they cannot fall asleep, cannot stay asleep, and even if they do sleep, they wake up feeling sluggish and unrested. The whole situation just creates a cycle of anxiety that can build upon itself and wreak havoc with our natural rhythms. I used to also have issues with sleep on the regular, and now, when I have heightened restlessness and worry about something in my life, my sleep can still suffer if I am not mindful and take care of myself. "Sleep Hygiene", I have heard it called. And it is really, really important to overall health. So many people would not ever wear a shirt with a tiny stain, or miss a workout, or skip brushing their teeth for the day, but sleep? It's like we are conditioned to feel like it is a waste of time. If you ask me, this is a major problem, the repercussions of which I shudder to imagine. Before I moved to the mountains, I slept 5-6 hours if I was lucky, and I slept with the TV on to crowd out the incessant voices in my head. I would look at my phone until I couldn't hold it up [...]