welcoming & accessible
yoga practices
to connect breath,
body & mind
and love yourself well
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Welcome, friend!2022-09-04T11:01:07-04:00

Movement as a concentration practice

This body is, in so many ways, outside of our control, it is a miracle of bones, muscles, nerves, fluids and energy that we often take for granted, or outright resent for not being the way we want it to be. I know I did. But I have learned that this body is a most magical vehicle, custom designed for me to learn how to be awake and alive in this life. No matter its perceived flaws or deficiencies, I can use each and every part of this body, and mind’s relationship to it, to learn to accept things as they are. This acceptance, this radical acceptance, has become the foundation for all of my healing. The process of moving mindfully, connecting breath to movement, and concentrating fully on this body has been an incredible source of insight and ease even when confronted with pain or limitation. The body is my source of infinite wisdom, and that ease allows the insights it has to teach me to reawaken my intuition, my inner knowing: What do I really feel? What do I really need now? What is right for me? This is a journey I am so grateful to be on, listening and learning with my very unique and powerfully magical body. I find that [...]

February 25th, 2022|
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