welcoming & accessible
yoga practices
to connect breath,
body & mind
and love yourself well
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Welcome, friend!2022-09-04T11:01:07-04:00

New Beginnings…

Well, after years of dedicated self inquiry, contemplative practice, and sponsoring fellow travelers in 12 step recovery, I continue this beautiful, horrible journey yet deeper into the contemplative, helping, and service occupations. I have enrolled in graduate study. As my sister says: “God willing, and if the crick don’t rise…” I plan to get my license to be in service to individuals and families affected by addiction. I am thrilled, energized, humbled and above all, feel simply like I have finally put enough of the pieces together of a messy, gazillion piece puzzle and the picture is becoming more clear. Another analogy that came into my life recently I also liked: I am standing before an empty auditorium, music before me, engaging in my final practices before I share the music, as it is today, with the house. All the notes of a discordant past, arranged neatly before me on paper, and the excitement and anticipation of the imminent arrival of the audience.  Knowing that it will be the best that I have to give, for today, and that the imperfections are what makes it authentic, human. All that practice to create a shared time of music together, because what is anything if it is not shared? In sharing, we lift each other up, [...]

September 30th, 2023|
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